Pethe Ferenc Student Dormitory (Keszthely, Festetics Str. 5.)
The dormitory ensures accommodation for 430 students. The rooms are for 3 persons. Refrigerator, bathroom (shower, WC, lavatory) belong to each room. Telephone, internet and television access are available (for using internet, your own computer is required, but there are computer-rooms in the campus). Prep room, kitchen and washing possibility can be found on each floor. For using satellite you have to pay fee. You can use your own TV and computers in the rooms. Common TV room is available in case it is required.
On the ground floor the BEXI club is found, which is the scene of the student's cultural and entertaining events. Additionally, there is a music room, a computer room and a photocopy machine for the students.
Excellent possibilities for doing several sports are provided by the gym and the different sports ground (running, football, basketball, tennis, body building, water sports, etc.) of the university.
Free time, culture, sports life in Keszthely
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